Guidelines for maintaining information on the Tisch website

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Page custodianship

Each page on the Tisch site is assigned to the department that is primarily responsible for its content. Each department is responsible for maintaining, updating, or deleting content on pages that have been assigned to it. Departments will receive lists annually of the pages they own.

Other departments, committees, or task forces are sometimes additional stakeholders for content, areas of focus, specialties, or services described on a page. In such cases, they are given the role of a page's "additional stakeholder" and should be consulted as necessary when considering changes to the page.

You can view all webpages and their respective custodians on the Master List of All Pages in IA Owned by Department. Note that this document is not updated in real-time and there may be new pages on the site that aren't yet reflected on the spreadsheet. It will be updated each year before the annual content audit.

Content audits

Our web content represents us as a library and it is therefore vitally important to ensure that it stays up-to-date and reflects the most accurate information about Tisch Library. Any changes to services, collections, spaces, or hours that impact our users should be made immediately.

A routine audit of content should be done by department or unit content owners annually. We recommend doing this over the summer, but departments can choose to complete this audit whenever makes the most sense for their schedules. During this annual audit, departments or units should feel free to update existing content on their pages, and create new sub-pages. If you wish to delete a page, please contact someone on the Web Team. We also encourage you to contact the Web Team if you have suggestions for changes or updates to content that is not directly owned by your department.

A formal, qualitative inventory and audit of content should be completed every 3 years by the Web Team, to assess whether our content continues to align with the goals of the site and user needs. Additionally, the Web Team will review website documentation annually prior to the summer when annual content audits by departments will be taking place.

Adding, deleting, or modifying content

Departments do not need permission from the Web Team to:

  • Make changes to pages that have been assigned to them
  • Add new pages to the site (see below for proposals to add new pages to the menu bar)

Departments should contact the Web Team to:

  • Propose adding a new item to the main site menu
  • Delete an existing page. We’ll ensure that any links from other pages won’t break before deleting the page.
  • Create a new subject guide

All staff are encouraged to:

  • Write and add news stories to highlight new services, events, or news that may be of interest to our community
  • Add an Explore Tisch feature to the homepage to spotlight collections, projects, recommendations, student work, etc.
  • Create a “Featured books & media” list
  • Add Events or Workshops to the site
  • Suggest content for Tisch social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook) by contacting the Director’s Office

Supervisors of staff are responsible for:

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